Just like a Ghost.. They are gone!

A Female Taxi Driver In The City

imageI get a pick up in town. McDonalds Ranelagh Street. It’s past 3 am in the morning. Typically pick up’s from here can be quite hit or miss. It’s a nightmare of a place to pick up from. It’s smack bang in the centre of Liverpool; such a popular pick up point for the weekend revellers. Normally people wander around aimlessly, attempting to get into any available taxi. Often they’ve not even booked a taxi…. They just try their chances. Mayhem ensues!

So I pull up. I’m thinking “here we go” but to my surprise a girl flags me and says “is this for Amy?”

“Yes, sure is…. Jump in”

Three beautiful girls step into my car. Liverpool is renowned for glamour, these girls were the epitome of style and city chic. They’d been out all night but they were styled to within an inch of their lives. Their outfits…

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Nothing Was Said

I find that I fall in love with my good friendships quite easily. Not with my good friends, I said friendships. I can only hope you know that feeling when an acquaintance you once found interesting has leveled up so to speak, and you find that you now consider them a friend.

This is often characterized by subconscious feelings of peace, security, confidence, and lack of unwanted pressure. There is no longer a need to make a good impression, because you both know where the other is coming from, and also you know that you don’t need to take anything too seriously. (Yes, you can have serious conversations, exchange much needed advice, and come to really depend upon one another, but in the midst of this is the balance of not taking anything too seriously.)

When you’ve got a true friendship that really means a lot to you, that energizes…

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Girls take note..


UnknownSo, the following can be used a couple different ways – one is for solo use (obviously, that’s the title) – but most of it can be employed by a partner as well. I know it may be a little unconventional for a guy to talk about women masturbating, but hang in there…

In the end, we (men and women) are looking for the big O when we masturbate, and the bigger the better, and as it turns out, many of the same things that your partner will (and should) do with you for you to experience body rocking orgasms you can employ yourself. Now, if your partner isn’t doing that – have them read along.

:: Use lubrication. This is, and isn’t the number one tip. Lube isn’t always needed – but it always helps things go…smoother. Whether your playing with your clit, or using something to penetrate with…

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